Archive | May, 2011

Weekly Obsessions – May 30

30 May

It’s been awhile, I know, and I am sorry! I spent the weekend in Seattle, details to come I promise but until then here are my favorite things this week.

TOMS – they are cute, lightweight and comfortable. What more could you ask for in a shoe. Not to mention, their fantastic one for one movement. For every pair bought a pair is given to a child in need in developing countries. Amazing!

Photo Credit –

Garlic Fries – stinky but sooo delicious. I was just in Seattle at a baseball game, so of course these made my list. But you don’t have to travel across the border to have them, they are so easy to make even I can handle it. Check out this recipe from the Food Network.


Vinegar…who knew?

25 May

I learned something awesome today that I thought I would share with you. You know when towels or cloths sit wet for an extended period of time they develop they rank, musty smell. Don’t act like you don’t, it’s a known fact, it just happens. It doesn’t matter how many times you wash them as soon as they get wet again the smell is back, it is just impossible to get rid of. Well guess what, I have a cure and it really works.

Place your cloth, dish rag, towel or whatever possesses the stench in just enough water to cover them. I don’t need to know what it is, you can keep that to yourself. Then add ¼ cup of white distilled vinegar and let them soak over night. Finally, wash them like you normally would and voila, stinky no longer

A few other ways you can use vinegar:

  • Prevent lint from clinging to your clothes by adding 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle.
  • Weed Killer, by pouring full-strength white distilled vinegar on weeds you can banish them from the crevices and cracks of walkways and driveways.
  • Stop the annoying itch of insect stings and bites by dabbing them with a white vinegar soaked cotton ball.

I will be honest, it kind of makes me wonder why it’s okay to eat it.

For more ways to use vinegar check out

My Favorite Blogs

24 May

There are a number of blogs that I really enjoy reading, other than my own of course! I spend a lot of time reading about fashion, food, travel, music and all of the other things I love so, why not share them with you. Most new bloggers probably wouldn’t give you other successful bloggers links so early in the game, for fear that you would love them more and never return. Well I told myself, have no fear, if they love you they will return…so you better be back or I will be pissed. Just kidding… NOT! Without further adieu…

Eat Live Run – written by a southern girl living in California this is primarily a food blog. The recipes are amazing and she throws in the odd book review and even a fashion tip here and there. Great sense of humor and all around a great blog.

Cupcakes and Cashmere – Food and fashion, what more good a girl ask for really? Recipes, fashion tips, how to’s and home improvement this girl has got it all. Check it out.

Peas and Thank You –  This blog chronicles a hilarious mom who has transformed her entire family into vegetarians. It is full of humor and fantastic recipes, am I a vegetarian no, but do I love this blog anyway, yes!

Happy reading… oh and I will be waiting!

Dougie Dog

22 May

I am not sure how most of you spent your holiday long weekend; camping, or maybe roadtripping? Me, I spent it sampling hot dogs! We are big weiner fans in my house and a few months ago there was a deal online for 50% off at Dougie Dog in downtown Vancouver. I thought to myself I love hot dogs and I love a deal so why not?

With the copious amounts of  “dogs” we consume we definitely had some high expectations. And let me tell you, we were not disappointed. With 24 unique choices and sides like yam fries and mac and cheese as well as tap rootbeer, every tastebud I have was thrilled. I ordered the Tropical Dog, it was topped with pineapple, mango, avacado and cilantro. Fruit and meat, some might think its weird but I would have to disagree, the Tropical Dog is a home run. I also sampled the Supermario Dog, which is a jalapeno and cheese dog topped with extra cheese mushrooms and ketchup, also delicious! The mac and cheese is just the way it should be creamy and loaded with cheesy goodness, the yam fries fresh and thick cut, finish it all off with rootbeer and what more could you ask for a Saturday night?

Tropical Dog

Dougie Dog –

1011 Granville St, Vancouver BC

I Love Voodoo Doughnuts… I mean Portland

20 May

I spent the past weekend in Portland with my family, we needed a little getaway and had never ventured past Seattle so we thought why not? As we trekked the extra 3 hours I plotted our shopping routes for about 10 minutes and then fell asleep. What? I was tired, I had just spent the past 3 days in Vegas and I needed a rest! We arrived at our hotel the Oxford Suites in Jantzen Beach which is about ten minutes from downtown Portland. The location was perfect and so was the hotel, complimentary breakfast every morning as well as complimentary drinks and appetizers in the evening. And when I say breakfast I mean it… there were no mini muffins and coffee. It was eggs cooked the way you like them, hash browns, bacon, fruit, cereal you name it they had it. Needless to say, we settled in nicely and thoroughly enjoyed our stay. I had a few things on my list that I wanted to do while I was there:

Tax Free Shopping – I love shopping. I hate paying tax. These facts alone made Portland an ideal getaway. In Oregon, the price you see on the tag is exactly what you pay, I really took advantage of this at outlets. Not to mention restaurants, I never knew splitting a bill could be so easy. No need to calculate the tax people… there is none!

Voodoo Doughnuts – You have not had a doughnut until you have been to Voodoo. This place is insane, and I mean that in the best way possible. With choices like the Maple Blazer Blunt and Dirty Snowballs, how could you not want to go? My favorites, the Bacon Maple Bar, a maple frosted doughnut with a strip of bacon on the top. And the No Name,  a glazed doughnut with chocolate frosting, rice krispies and peanut butter… both are heaven! I also tried the toasted coconut, apple fritter, chocolate coconut and a regular glaze. I know that you are judging me right now, it’s a lot of doughnuts I get it, but you won’t understand until you experience it for yourself. I would seriously drive the 5 hours to Portland just to go back and eat another one.

All in all it was a pretty successful trip, but I am still craving doughnuts…anyone up for a road trip?

3 Things I love about Vegas

18 May

Drinks and Slot Machines Galore – 2 things I absolutely adore were everywhere I went. Oversized drinks and penny machines were at my finger tips and I may or may not have had my privelages taken away…on both accounts!

LAX – great music, good vibe and free drinks… don’t mind if I do.

Thunder from Down Under – I will admit that I was skeptical about going to this show but these Australian exports definitely changed my mind. Their “dance” routines and inclusion of the audience were priceless. I will take their tearaway pants, rippling abs and pelvic thrusts any day.

Photo Credit –

Mmmmhhmmmm I know what you are thinking……

Viva Las Vegas!

Weekly Obsessions – May 9

9 May

Short and Sweet!

My Basil Plant – smells good, tastes good, easy to take care of… you need one!

Scotty McCreery from American Idol – me melts me! His 17 year old lady killing notes have morphed me into a 23 year old cougar. I love, love, love his deep country voice it is amazing. Any of you not on the Scotty train are missing out… all aboard!

Photo Credit –

Happy Mother’s Day

8 May

In honor of Mother’s Day

5 Reasons I love the Lilinator:

  1. She is never EVER wrong – I get a lot of joy from proving my mom wrong, a very rare occasion. Even when I have cold hard evidence that I am right and she is wrong… she still is still right – just ask her.
  2. She redefines resting your eyes – full fledged snoring on the couch with your eyes closed and mouth wide open is now defined as resting your eyes, not falling asleep.
  3. She is a jack of all trades – from knitting me countless scarves to match all of my outfits to the best banana bread on earth she does it all…except admit she’s wrong of course.
  4. She is up for anything – need a concert buddy, someone to go shopping with, or someone to help you return your recycling – Lilinator is in!
  5. She has saved me countless dollars in cab fare – She always picks me up when I have had a too many “beverages” not matter the time or the place…Seriously people, that’s love!

Hopefully you are all as lucky as me, Happy Mother’s Day!

For Your Listening Pleasure

6 May

I think I have made it pretty clear that I don’t just love country music, but I live for it. Seriously it is my vice and I take a lot of flack for it, but I don’t care I will defend it’s sappy, honky tonk, story telling to my grave.

Here are a couple of recommendations for your listening pleasure:

The Band Perry (self titled) – I just bought this CD from itunes because I really liked a couple of their songs that I’d heard on the radio and it is fantastic! It is country through and through so if you aren’t down with honky tonk steer clear! My favorite tracks: “Independence”, “If I die Young”, “You Lie”

Photo Credit –

Adele 21– Don’t be shocked I do venture outside of my country box every now and then to enjoy other genres of music and I adore Adele. Sooo good! I was recently given her latest CD and it is fantastic. I have liked her since “Chasing Pavements” and my love has only grown stronger with songs like “Rolling in the Deep” “One and Only” and “Set Fire to the Rain”.

Photo Credit –


Countdown to Adventure

4 May

In 7 days I am leaving for what is sure to be an adventure. Viva Las Vegas! Myself ,and 6 other women are heading to Sin City to celebrate one of our best friends’ upcoming marriage. Yes, that’s right a stagette in Vegas. I think that someone had better warn the authorities; seriously they should be scared…we are going to tear up the town.

I have been to Vegas 3 times before but never for an occasion like this. Actually, the last time I went was for the Country Music Awards and I ended up painting a white marble bathroom stall at Caesar’s Palace pink… oops! It was the ten jello shots fault, I am not to blame! Needless to say, this is a slightly different ball game, that is in terms of activites of course, not alcohol consumption – that will be just as ridiculous. I will say that a lot of creative planning has gone into this trip and I would love to share a few things with you but since the bride just might be reading this my lips are sealed. I mean my fingers are restrained?… you get the picture.

Oh and don’t expect to hear much of anything about the antics of the trip either because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas right? But don’t worry I am planning on washing away my sins with a family trip to Oregon the day that I get home. From one extreme to the next right? I am sure my gong show of a family will put on several ridiculous performances worthy of sharing so stay tuned!