
19 Apr

Do you ever walk in somewhere and it smells absolutely amazing? Well when I came home the smell of mint chocolate was wafting through the house and it was magic! I don’t know what I would do with out my sense of smell, especially when I think of a couple scents I can not get enough of.:

Bath and Bodyworks Mint Chocolate Chip Candles & Wallflowers

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It’s like someone is constantly baking mint chocolate chip cookies in your house, yummy! These puppies are seasonal and let me tell you I can’t wait for winter to stock up, I am on my very last one!

Abercrombie & Fitch Stores

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I love this smell; I don’t know why, maybe its teenage nostalgia – begging my mom to drive across the border so I could spend my 3 weeks worth of allowance on one lousy logoed t-shirt. Or maybe it’s because I imagine the very good looking, toned, half naked dudes in their advertising. Regardless, it takes me to a happy place.

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